The open source PIM of choice

PIM (Product Information Systems) are the current response to ever increasing item data management needs. They work as an extension of your ERP system. These systems are using supple databases that can evolve constantly with reduced load on the IT department. They are also multi-media (data, pictures, video etc.) and part of modern multi-channel marketing.

Open source systems are increasingly popular alternatives when installing new systems:
  • Software functionality and evolution
    Is boosted up by large user community instead of one single supplier.
  • TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)
    Can be lowered by leveraging community advantages like reduced license costs and large scale support.
  • Reduced risks
    Of deficient software supplier.

Pimcore is the leading Open source PIM supplier.

Here is why:
  • They have a large community
    Working around the software, Tetrasoft is one of them.
  • Community edition is equal to "Enterprise edition"
    So there is no "freemium" trap to avoid.
  • They offer first line support
    When you think it's necessary.
  • In fact Pimcore is more than a PIM
    It's "The leading enterprise platform for CMS/CMF, MDM, PIM, DAM and E-Commerce". Just check for yourself: There is less chance that you will outgrow it soon.

Tetrasoft is a Pimcore partner